Do not accept initial premium of PLI / RPLI  through  DARPAN PLI App...

Do not accept initial premium of PLI / RPLI  through  DARPAN PLI App |

        A defect has come to notice in DARPAN PLI APP w.r.t. the acceptance of PLI / RPLI initial premium through RICT devices, which has lead to either acceptance of less or more premium against new proposals and which has further lead to non - updation of paid to date in CIS. Because of this issue Insurant are unable to pay the subsequent premiums.

        The issue has been analysed and a new version of DARPAN PLI App with the defect fix will be pushed to RICT devices in the coming week.

         In the light of the above, Postal Directorate has been directed to request all Postal Circles to direct all the BPMs / officials  to not to accept the initial premium through RICT devices with immediate effect till next version of the APP  is pushed to devices.  The plan for pushing of new version of the APP will be shared by CEPT with all the Circles soon.