Most of the Post Offices are facing WebMail low storage space issue, due to this very frequently Post Offices are unable to receive and send emails. Microsoft Outlook is the solution to over come this issue.
The Outlook configuration procedure is as follows.
1) Go to Control panel and open "User Accounts"
2) Now click on "Mail" option. ( in case of Windows 10 it is Mail (32-bit) )
3) In case of Windows 10, the following "Mail setup window" opens,
Here click on "Show Profiles" under "Profiles" to redirect to the following Mail interface opens.
( In case of Windows 7 by clicking on "Mail" option itself it redirects to "Mail" interface.)
4) Click on "Add" button to add a new email profile and add a new profile.
5) In the following interface select the "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and click on next button.
6) In the "Choose E-mail Service" window select "Internet E-mail" option and click on "Next" button.
7) In the "Internet E-mail Settings" window feed the details in respect of "User Information", "Logon Information. In respect of both "Incoming "and "outgoing" mail server feed as "".
8) Now by clicking "More Settings" button the following window popups.
9)In the "Outgoing Server" tab, select "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" and choose "Use same settings as my incoming mail server".
10) Now in the "Advanced" tab configure the following settings and click on "OK" button.
(a) Feed , Incoming server (POP3) as 995 and outgoing server (SMTP) as 465.
(b) Choose "The server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)
(c) select "Auto" option in respect of "Use the following type of encrypted connection"
11) Now click on "Test Account Settings" button to test the account status.
12) After successful completion of test the following message appears.
13) Close the "Test Account Settings" window and click on "Next" button.
Now open Microsoft Outlook and click on "Yes" button in "Internet Security Warning" popup. All the existing email data is automatically updated to Outlook. In some exceptional cases, the data is not automatically updated, then use "Send/Receive All" option as below.