Directorate's communication number 141-141/2013-SPN-II dated 17.01.2019 vide which revised 'Guidelines for transfer' Para 5 (i) prescribes that Station Tenure of an employee shall be 6 years.
Thereafter, the Directorate had examined the matter of station tenure and it was decided by the Competent Authority to exempt Group 'C' RMS officials from the provision of 6 years of station tenure, which was conveyed to all Postal Circle vide letter dated 07.05.2019. Further, the matter was again examined and it was decided that the provision of station tenure of 6 years will normally not be enforced to PA / LSG / HSG-II / HSG-I officials except ordered in administrative interest and under exigencies of service, which was conveyed to all Postal Circles vide letter dated 24/27.06.2019.
However, it has been brought to the notice of Directorate that Postal Circles are not following the above clarifications issued by the Directorate. Employee Union / Association have reported that officials are being transferred out of some stations even if there is no request from official for those stations. Therefore, Postal Circle are requested to strictly adhere to the decision of the Directorate conveyed vide communication dated 07.05.2018 and 24/27.06.2019 while implementing Rotational Transfers.