Most of the employees are getting the error "Conflict with Absences (2001)/Leave Type (IT2001/1001)", while applying for leave. This is due to non process of leave requests through Employee Portal and feed the leave details in PA30.
Case 1: Pending request visible in "Leave Overview"
Open "Leave Overview" in Employee portal with the employee credentials. And check if there are any pending non-approved ( approval awaited) leaves as per the error. If yes, delete the leave requests. Now apply for leave successfully.
Case 2: Pending request invisible in "Leave Overview"
Open SAP with the competent authority credentials and invoke the T-code: PTARQ
Now the following interface appears.
Click on "Display Documents" button under "Database" tab. Now the following interface opens.
Here choose "Other period" under Period tab, feed "Personnel Number" ( i.e., CSI user id of the employee, who is getting leave conflict error) under Selection tab and choose "Document Status" as "SENT" under Request Data tab.
Now execute the action.
The invisible SENT leave requests ( i.e., approval awaited) details are displayed as follows.
Select the required request and double click to get the complete details of the leave.
Here, the initiator, forwarding authority and approving authority details such as CSI user id, name and timestamp of the request are displayed. Conform the leave details with the details thrown in the leave conflict error. Obtain permission from the competent authority and delete the Approval awaited( SENT) leave request from the Database.
Now close the screen and again invoke the T-code: PTARQ and click on "Delete Documents" button under Database tab
In the "Delete Leave Requests" interface, choose "Other period" under Period tab, feed "Personnel Number" ( i.e., CSI user id of the employee, who is getting leave conflict error) under Selection tab , choose "Document Status" as "SENT" under Request Data tab and deselect "Test Run" under "Database" tab.
Now execute the action.
The pending approval awaited leave requests details are displayed.
Select the required leave request and click on "Delete" icon.
In this similar fashion delete the required approval awaited (SENT) leave requests and conform the same using "Display Documents" button.
As all the pending "Approval awaited (SENT)" leave request are deleted, successfully applied for leave in "Employee Portal".