The following guidelines are approved by the competent authority for DBT business.
1) IPPB will open accounts by default for all new DBT mandates received.
2) In case of Central, State, District Government authorities, marketing will be done by both the Department of Posts and IPPB officials for getting DBT mandate through IPPB.
3) Directorate/Circles will not issue any separate target or communication related to opening of DBT account through DoB and will not engage with any Government authority for getting DBT business / mandate unless done in collaboration with the IPPB.
4) In case, any customer/citizen wants to avail DBT through POST, only then DoP shall facilitate the same
5) Existing DBT beneficiaries of the DoP may continue to avail DBT disbursal through POS.
6) Circles will ensure that at least 50% of the new accounts opened in IPPB are linked either to POSA or some other financial services of the Department.